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Friday, September 17, 2010

Day 10

Day Ten

September 16, 2010

Praise God for this Washington rain! I love waking up and just throwing on jeans and a sweatshirt. I got to share the gospel today through my sweatshirt. My sweatshirt says "LOVE" with a dove for the "v." When you look closely on the "L" it says "for God is" (then the big LOVE) and on the "e" it says "1 John 4:8." For the tired people reading this it says "For God is love. 1John 4:8." My sweatshirt started a small conversation and some smiles with my friends in my English class.

My English teacher gives us work to do, but we finish our work on our own time, so we talk and visit most of the class. We started talking about 2012. We were talking about how some of us would be mad if the end of the world really is in 2012 because we would have spent our whole lives in school without graduating. It was a quick conversation, but I added my input that the Bible says that nobody knows the day or the hour, so if everybody is sure that it's December 21, 2012 or whenever they say, then it can't be. The Bible hasn't been proved wrong yet, so I don't expect it to lead me to a lie just because the Mayan's calendar ended. We ended the conversation by deciding that the Mayans got tired of writing down more days. Our teacher was laughing back at his desk.

My friend that sits in front of me (who still hasn't skipped classes :D) was playing music on her phone. As different songs would play she would skip through to make sure that they were "Amy appropriate." She made me laugh so much but I really appreciated how she would care enough for my opinions to censor through her playlist. God has not only put me in their lives for a reason, but the "good influence" is taking affect after just ten days! I find it hard to believe that if I came on too strong with my faith and forced it on her, that she would still be censoring her music for me. God gave me patience and love to approach every new person in a kind, gentle way. Stick to your beliefs and values while being respectful and loving to those around you and they give you respect in return! I love all of my second period friends.

That was my "smile moment" for the day, but that wasn't my only opportunity to shine God's light. Like I said a few days ago, smiling and talking to other people is one of the simplest ways to show others that you care. In every class I found a way to compliment somebody, smile at people, and ask them about their day. I have made so many new friends just by turning around to the person sitting next to me and asking them about their day.

1 John 4:8;

"Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love."

Matthew 24:36, 44;

"No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. So you also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect Him."

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