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Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Day 14

Day Fourteen

September 22, 2010

Today was "Meet Me at the Pole" day where students all around the country met at their flagpole to pray for their schools. I was stuck on Pacific Highway in traffic, so I wasn't able to participate this year.

I finally remembered the candy bar for my friend in English! She's also in my advisory and we were eating her candy when one of her friends sat down next to us. I was reminding her about a sophomore dinner at our Pastor's house this weekend when her friend looked at her and said, "You go to church?" I don't know if it was because Amanda and I were right next to her, but she smiled and said very proudly, "yeah! I go every Sunday and now I'm gonna go to their youth group." She was going to come to youth group yesterday, but at the last minute she had to change plans. But don't worry! I'm making sure she comes next week! We talked about church and what it means to us during advisory. Then my friend took my iPod and listened to Hillsong with her other friend. Her favorite song? Hosanna!

In History we were reading about Rome and how tax collectors and the government cheated people from their money. I know that's accurate because the Bible talks about Zacchaeus! He was a deeply hated tax collector, but Jesus wanted to have dinner at his house anyone. I knew that one of the disciples was also a tax collector, but I couldn't remember who, so I asked the two guys next to me who I talked to before about AWANA. Another kid in the class overheard us and he asked (again) if I go to church. We had a small conversation about reading the Bible and how when he read it he didn't understand it. I told him I agree! The Bible is hard to read! But that's why you study it and learn the writing styles of the authors. The passage might talk about a mustard seed, but in truth it's talking about us. Praise God that this week is more than half way over!

Romans 1:16a;

"I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes..."

Matthew 17:20;

"...I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there; and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you."

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