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Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Day 9

Day Nine

September 15, 2010

My dad usually gives me a ride to school, but today it just wouldn't work, so I got up extra early and my mom gave me a ride to my friend Amanda's house. I got there around 6:15 and I hadn't read my Bible yet. So what I did was I took along my big study Bible and sat on Amanda's couch reading until she woke up. This was really a small thing at the time, but God uses little details for big things.

I got to school and had a really boring morning. Band was boring. Advisory was boring. Math is just no fun in general. Then I got to History. I sit next to two guys and they were talking about going to AWANA tonight. I go to AWANA at my church! If you've never heard of it, AWANA is a program that stand for "Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed" and it basically teaches kids how to study the Bible and the main focus is memorizing Bible verses. I got to talk to two random guys today about the Bible!

Then came lunch. I love food! At the table I sit at almost everyone goes to church. Today three of us were wearing shirts from activities we do at our churches. Well one of the girls at the table couldn't find her water bottle. She asked, "Where's my water bottle?" and without thinking I replied, "I stole it!" (I didn't actually take it.) The girl is not a Christian, but she knows that I am. I thought and added, "Actually, no I didn't. God doesn't want me to steal anyway. And I lied about it! I'm not being very good today at all!" Then I laughed. The other girl looks at me laughing and says, "Yeah! Read the 13 commandments!" A few of us at the table start laughing and I tell her that there are only 10 commandments, not 13. Then I take out my study Bible (that God told me to bring this morning!) and tried to find them. I couldn't. So Amanda pulls out her Bible and starts looking it up! The girl said something along the lines of, "Wow! You guys are really into this!" We end up finding the ten commandments and I read through them. I explained some, too. Then the girl asked me a lot of questions like how could we possible keep all of the commandments? God gave me the opportunity to go through the gospel color by color with her. I got to explain that none of us are perfect and we all deserve hell, but the good news is that Jesus Christ paid for our sins and by believing in Him we can go to heaven! It was a very friendly, open conversation and we all left with smiles- mine was the biggest.

Acts 4:12;

"Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved."

Ephesians 2:10;

"For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do."

Deuteronomy 5:19;

"You shall not steal"

Leviticus 19:11;

"Do not steal. Do not lie. Do not deceive one another."

"It's one thing to be acquainted with Jesus. It's another thing to uphold Him as the Lord of your life..."

Mary A. Kassian

"Girls Gone Wise"

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