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Sunday, October 3, 2010

Day 21

Day Twenty-One

October 1, 2010

Oh my goodness I love Fridays! Today we had another assembly so my classes were less than 40 minutes long. YAY! Less thinking required!

In band we mostly listened to the director talk. I think we played music, but it was so boring and uneventful that I forgot what we did for sure...

In English I heard my friend talk about how she shared the gospel even MORE! Her friend that I also sit next to is starting to do the same challenges. They get to work together. Hopefully that encourages them to stick with the challenges, instead of encouraging them to slack off together. I got to invite my friend to Bible Study again. She even looked a little bit half way interested!

In Math I made friends with the people around me and we make jokes during class to make it more entertaining. Most of them are about our teacher because he is a little bit too in love with math. Smiling... in Math class?... I guess that with God all things are possible. (Matthew 19:21)

History was very entertaining. And one of the cool things about my History class is that the gospel bracelet is spreading around. I have the two guys that also go to AWANA, there's a girl who says she's a Christian (and hopefully she can become less ashamed and more eager to share the news), and we have three girls from my youth group in that class. And it's all about History, so I can relate events recorded in the Bible to events recorded in the history book and report my connections out loud to the class!

In French and in Chemistry there is a student that sits behind me, a different student in each class, that is really quiet and nice. They aren't necessarily the first to be noticed by others, and usually fade into the background, but I always make it a point to say hi to them and try at a conversation, even if it's a short one. Those two probably have the best smiles I have ever seen.

OH! And in French we had an... interesting substitute. She started the class really happy and talkative, but when some students talked out of turn she became very irritated. We had to stay absolutely silent for fear that she might blow steam out of her ears! But God helped me to stay calm and not laugh, and I was rewarded by being able to help her understand our assignment. She smiled at me! In case you haven't noticed throughout my entries- smiles mean a lot- more than words.

James 1:19;

"My dear brothers, take note of this; Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, for man's anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires."

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