
Welcome Lighthouse students to The Fishing Project. This is a new project that we would love for you to be involved in! Want to know more about it? Check out the "Information + Reason" page link posted below!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Meet Alyssa

Alyssa D. Bio:

"I was raised in a perfect family, well, that was my opinion! When I was about 6 years old, I accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior! I went to church every Sunday and learned about who God is. I loved my parents and got along with my siblings, when I got into middle school I started to see my dad less and less. One day he came home and sat down with my siblings and I and told us that he was leaving. After that I began hating God. I hated my dad and my mom. I was a mess. Why would God allow my dad to leave my mom for another woman? My life was a mess. I began hanging out with wrong people and all I cared about was being popular and liked. I knew I was doing wrong... But I blamed it on what my dad did to our family. One day in church, Jeff Moorehead said that we can't blame our problems on other people and I realized that's exactly what I was doing. After that I got into a bible study and started changing my life. And even though my life is still a mess and I'm a mess, I love God and I'm God's mess now."

Alyssa is a part of The Fishing Project. She decided that God's purpose for her life was more important than fitting in. She decided to be bold in sharing her faith which is why she joined TFP. When asked how TFP was going and what it's all about, Alyssa replied; "The Fishing Project is taking the concept/idea of what we do in Montana and taking it into school. TFP is basically sharing the gospel and being a light for God in school. TFP at Highline has been AWESOME! I've helped start a prayer meeting on Wednesday mornings. I've been able to share with people about what I've been learning at church and what I've been reading about!"

Alyssa's favorite Bible verses include: Isaiah 53:5 "But he was pierced for our transgressions, he crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed." (emphasis added) "It makes me smile," says Alyssa, "it reminds me of what Jesus did for me."

Psalm 139:14 "I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well."

"It reminds me that I'm fearfully and wonderfully made but so it everyone I meet and see!" Alyssa says.

Do you want to be bold in sharing YOUR faith like Alyssa is? Would you be ready to share your testimony on the spot if you were asked?
Want to know more about what The Fishing Project is, and what it means? Ask Alyssa!

""Come, follow me," Jesus said, "and I will make you fishers of men."" -- Matthew 4:19

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