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Thursday, October 14, 2010

Day 28

Day Twenty-Eight

October 14, 2010

I am not even close to joking around when I say that reading your Bible and praying is THE BEST way to start the day. Today I woke up with a book for my Bible study, as well as the first two chapters in the book of Ruth. Ruth is another example of how God always provides for us.

Praise God for English class! The girl we played the joke on waltzed into class giving us a big hug! The issue is official resolved and forgotten. I was able to get more of my work done and talk to the girls that I've gotten to know so well.

One thing that I have been working on that really helps me keep my focus better on Christ and helping others is working on my organization. Since I can use everything I do to glorify God, whether it's homework, class time, conversations, attitude, or what I eat, then organizing everything helps me get it done more efficiently to do an even better job at each and every task I start on. It's helped me get caught up in my classes. Organization has helped me get ahead in class. It has helped me keep my room clean to honor my parents' requests. Then when I'm on track with my responsibilities, I have time to start conversations with people, to hang out with friends, and to glorify God with my free time.

Challenge: is your time honoring God? Or is it honoring to you? Do you do what God asks you to do with your time? Or do you put aside your responsibilities to do what you want to do (i.e. Facebook, TV, friends, shopping, video games...)?

Ecclesiastes 3:1;

"There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven."

1 Corinthians 14:40;

"But everything should be done in a fitting and orderly way."

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